Mycoles : My Coles Login Online for Employee -

Mycoles login is an employee portal from Coles group to view the employee payslip details and employee benefits. Coles Employees can visit the official my coles employee login page at the

Mycoles login procedure is for the Mycoles employee who have existing Mycoles online login account in the Coles group portal. From homepage existing employee can log in Mycoles to check their Payslips & Employee benefits in the My Coles online portal.

Easiest way to login Mycoles portal online for Employee is by opening their official website and entering the required MyColes login details provided to you.

MyColes Login Online for Employee -

In this article you will find how existing Employee can Sign in Mycoles portal online and the steps are provided below:

Mycoles Login Steps 1 : Open Employee Portal

Open employee login portal and you'll see their welcome message on their homepage.

Mycoles Login

Since you're an Mycoles employee you will be frequently using this portal online to access your payroll details, Parental leave status or the telecommunications to find their helpline. So it is advisable to bookmark their Mycoles sign in page for quicker access.

Click on the "Log in to Mycoles" button to process further.

Mycoles Employee Login Step 2 : Username & Password

In the next step you will be prompted to enter your Mycoles employee username & password.


The username can be found on back of the Mycoles employee card. In case if you have forgotten your Coles username then there's an easy way to recover it. 

  1. Just click on "I forgot my username" and you will be taken to the next page.
  2. Fill in your Mycoles Employee ID and your D.O.B.
  3. Fill the captcha and click on the continue button & that's it.

Mycoles Employee Employee Benefits :

You must be privileged to be a part of Mycoles supermarket company in Australia as they offer various benefits to keep their workers happy and motivated. 

Coles provide parental holidays upto a year that is 12 months for their full-time Employees who have more than a year of experience, which is one of the best reason to work there.

MyColes helps their Employees to get the best possible work schedule as per their requirements which is one of the main value added proposition that the company is offering you.

My Coles employees can get discounts then and there in most of their tied-up services in Australia such as theaters and restaurants.

Mycoles Employee Login FAQs  

There are some frequently asked questions from the Employees and here's few answers for them.

1. Mycoles Login Not Working :

There could be many reason why your Mycoles login is not working. If you are a retired Employee then you will not be allowed inside the login portal.

The most common issue is that your username and password doesn't match.

2. What is My Coles Number?

It is the Employee number that is printed on back of the ID card that was given to you when hired.

3. Forgot Mycoles Password :

You can always reset your password by clicking on the "I forgot password" button.

4. Where to Sign up for Mycoles Portal?

You cannot sign up to the Mycoles login portal from your computer. You will be given the credentials to your eMail when you were recruited to the company.

5. What is Mycoles Helpline Number?

Call this   1300 692 653 telephone number for help.

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DISCLAIMER: This site is not affiliated with MyColes. We don't have any association with Coles & its subsidiary companies.